Linear lighting on dynamic facades
Linear lighting on dynamic facades
Gym Kubs (Costa de Marfil) by Dllum BCN

.The breakneck development of LED technology has now made it possible to create settings in which lighting is more than just a functional feature. So much so, that some architectural elements such as building facades are beginning to form part of our cities’ nightscapes. With that said, this is a new opportunity to exploit the dynamic design possibilities offered by Lluria’s linear lighting systems.

Keep reading to find out the most important issues to consider when planning your design.

IM Clinic (Sant Cugat) by Calsi

Use of colour

A colourful facade that has been thought out and designed in a coherent way can add value to architecture as well as being an impressive corporate and commercial branding strategy. The choice of colours, dynamic programming and, most importantly, the type of LED strip used will be fundamental to achieving your goal. We recommend opting for RGB or RGBW strips depending on the variety of colours to be used in the project.

Roca Gallery (Barcelona) by inSense


Proper operation over time will be paramount to avoid future replacements and maintenance tasks. Dust, water or impacts from small objects and the weather can pose a durability problem for the system. For this reason, Lluria’s linear profiles and LED strips with up to 8 years of guarantee that ensure maximum watertightness with a high degree of resistance.

Hospital Cruces (Barakaldo)

Visual and interactive

In addition to chromatic dynamism, Lluria’s digital LED strips make it possible to create any type of visual design. Using simple software and as if it were an LED screen, we can launch moving graphics that our reproduced on the linear composition. This is an innovative way to transform facades into a large light stage that interacts with or reacts to musical rhythms.

Hard Rock Hotel Madrid by Atelier Mel

All solutions

At Lluria we are proud of the continuous effort we put into researching and developing new lighting solutions. Evolving and creating new products allows us to offer customers the most optimal option, whatever the project may be. So much so that there is no shape, geometry or architectural facade that will be able to resist incorporating spectacular lighting designs to improve and make the city’s night skyline more beautiful. Tell us your idea and we’ll help you pull it off.

